You can reverse the direction (up instead of down) of the terminator by using the formula %hbar. %barchord:8 would add the terminator at the midpoint of the final measure (8 1/16th notes into the measure).

The final terminator is created by defining the breaking point in the last text event e.g. The line can then be extended by inserting a text event using only the %barchord: portion of the formula at the beginning of each subsequent measure (assuming a 4/4 time signature). This will eliminate the final downturn of the line which will be limited to the length of the measure into which it is inserted. To indicate a barre greater than 32 1/16th notes, type your text ( VII in the above example) followed by %barchord. All that is required is that you re-calculate the final value of the formula to indicate the correct extension as measured in 1/16th notes. Such indicators can, of course, begin or end at any point in a measure. Note: The example above is based on 4/4 time and it's assumed that the indicator is to be placed at the very beginning of the first measure. The formula VII%barchord:32 used for our example results in the text VII followed by a line 32 1/16th notes in length ending in a downward bend of the line (terminator).

When you then press the formula is converted into a correct barré indicator. The placement of the indicator is controlled by the selection made in the Text Manager dialog. This feature allows you to place a standard barré indicator above the either the tablature or the standard notation. You can also use the " Format" dialog when the cursor is positioned on such a marker. To this end, inserts an offset marker whose value can be increased or decreased by use of. Horizontal note spacing - in certain cases (appoggiaturas, alterations fingering indications in the notation) it may prove useful to be able to vary the distance between one note and the note following it. In order to have these effects applied in tablature, press. To remove the stem of a rest select it and press. To prevent a rest from being tied to the preceding or following note, select it and press. The hidden rest remains displayed in the tablature as grayed but will not be printed. If you wish a manually inserted rest to appear only in the stave and not in the tablature, simply select the rest and press. Simply place the cursor on the rest in the tablature and use to adjust its position.

TablEdit allows you to define, very precisely, the vertical position at which rests are to be displayed in the stave. The Legato function allows you to insert an arbitrary arch linking a note to another. Obviously, the mediator stroke will not be displayed since this note is not plucked.

To change the default orientation of the connecting arc, you can assign a pick stroke to the second note. Define the instrument as monophonic in > Display, TablEdit displays the articulation corresponding to certain special effects.